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Bartholomew Columbus, the admiral’s younger brother

Born: 1461 in Genoa, Italy? Death: 1514 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Burial: San Francisco Monastery in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Charges: - Navigator, discoverer and cartographer. - Adelantado of the Indies and governor of Spain. Most relevant facts: - He toured several European courts seeking support for Christobal Columbus project. - He battled on the Spanish island

Biography of Christopher Columbus

Location of birth Christopher Columbus is believed to have been born in 1451 at undetermined place, although officially he was born in Savona (Genoa, Italy). Place of death Colón died on May 20th,1506 in Valladolid (Spain) suffering from various ailments. Positions held - Official discoverer of the New World. - Admiral, Viceroy and Governor General of
